Residential project progressing on schedule: Bayfancy Residence
Imaaraathuge masakkaiythah schedule aa eh gothah dhanee kuriah: Bayfancy | Mihaaru
Bayfancy, a Singapore-based real estate development firm, operates in the Maldives through re-registration. The company is constructing a luxury residential complex in Hulhumale'.
Bayfancy has said that its residential project in Hulhumale' is progressing according to the schedule.
The company said the piling foundation for the building was completed at the end of December last year, and work is advancing rapidly. Last month, the piling foundation cutting, concrete filling, and waterproofing of the basement slab were completed, along with other preparatory work for the basement.
Bayfancy said onsite reserves of materials, including steel bars, concrete, and formwork, are sufficient to meet construction needs for levels below the 14th floor.
Reinforcement work on the basement foundation is currently underway, the company said.
Work under progress at the Bayfancy Residence site -- Photo: Bayfancy
If the project stays on schedule, the basement slab is expected to be laid by March 20, transitioning the project into its above-ground structural phase.
Surface construction is set to begin on April 10.
The company said work is progressing ahead of the original schedule, allowing for more meticulous finishing as the building nears completion.
Ensuring quality delivery of the project remains the company’s top priority.
Bayfancy, a Singapore-based real estate development firm, operates in the Maldives through re-registration. The company is constructing a luxury residential complex in Hulhumale'.